Mittwoch, Dezember 03, 2008

Quick update

Alright, we are still alive - I guess more than ever before!!

Just some facts to fill you in on what has happened around here - in no particular order:

- biggest change: JONAS has arrived on November 6th - weighing 4340g and 54 cm long. After I had to wait almost a week longer that my due date was he finally made his entry into this world a real quick one: we were only in the delivery room for about 40 minutes until he was there!!!

- made some journal covers for me and my sister for the new 2009 calenders.

- Felix went to his first St.Martin with his first lantern - and I had to stay behind because of the baby. Almost made me cry not to be able to share this with him - especially because he was so excited to go out in the dark with his light. He totally is obsessed with the street lights these days: can't wait for them to light up in the afternoon/evening. We have to check very often until they are lit!!!

- Felix is sleeping all by himself which means I'm able to leave the room with him still awake and he will fall asleep all by himself. Makes it really easy now that the baby is there too!!!

- Made some little lamps where you can put a little votiv candle inside. THink these make nice little gifts for xmas. And they seemed to be something I could craft with the kids being around. Scrapping doesn't seem to happen for me these days!!!

- Felix turned 2 on nov 25th . After being sick last year he really anjoyed this birthday. Lots of cake and candles and presents of course too!!!

2 Kommentare:

Christiane hat gesagt…

huge huge congrats on your cute baby boy!!
wishing you and your family a very merry christmas!!

Nadine hat gesagt…

Oh nein wie süüüüüß!!!! Hezrlichen Glückwunsch zu dem kleinen Sonnenschein!!!

