is a online class by Adrienne Looman I'm taking and it just started today. It's about giving your pictures an "artistic edge" with the help of Photoshop Elements (in my case). I own PSE 3.0 and basically all I do is to store my pics with the help of this program, turn them into black and white ones or once in awhile use a brush. I hope to get to know this program and its possibilities a bit more through this class. Sometimes you see these cool photos with striking colours and I always wanted to know how that works. But I don't like to read through manuals and I don't like to sit here and play around with the program without having a clue (don't have the time to do so either!!!). Well I just picked some pictures out of the blue and tried what Adrienne explained in the first lesson. Here are the results ( first of each set is the before photo and the second the photo after I did some "magic"):
Ich bin 44, Mama von 2 Jungs und seit etwas über 10 Jahren unabhängige Stampin´Up!® Demonstratorin. Werkeln mit Papier und Stoff sind neben dem Lesen meine grössten Hobbys. Schön, dass ihr meine Seite gefunden habt!! Über nette Kommentare freue ich mich immer sehr!!!!