Freitag, November 17, 2006

Ali E inspired

Started creating some christmas frames yesterday and finished them up this morning.

Ali did something very similar on her blog/ AEzine. I had these IKEA frames lying around for some time now and thought that this was a nice idea to use them. Want to sell these frames on the christmasmarket already mentioned in a post before.

Donnerstag, November 09, 2006

It worked!!

Seems to be a creative tea I had last night!!

I finished 3 cards for the upcoming christmasmarket and - which is more amazing!! - 2 Layouts!!!

This one talks a little bit about my father and the things I remember from the 80's.

This one is about my love for fleamarket retro finds like the containers for Coffee (there is also one for tea and for sugar) I bought couple of years ago. Just love how they look in my open kitchen storage space. Clean and simple, they basically go with all the other stuff I have. Most of which is by Asa - or at least like their style.

Mittwoch, November 08, 2006

It's just 5 pm

and it already was dark outside. At around 4 I already had to turn on the lights in order to be able to read something. Strange feeling. I feel like the day is almost over, no real motivation to do anything. So I just made myself a cup of tea and put on some candles and hopefully there is some creative juices flowing now.

Last night was the last evening of our "birth prep" class and we were only 5 women out of 12!! We knew of 5 baby girls that had been born. So there is still 2 ladies about which I don't know if they have their baby or just weren't able to make it.

I had my first Acupuncture yesterday too. Was a little afraid about it but I didn't feel anything of the needles. Don't know if it will have any effect on the birth, but I will go ahead and give it a try.

Gotta go get my tea now!!

Montag, November 06, 2006

Tell me why I don't like Mondays...

Know that song??

Today I spend close to 2 hours at a garage to get our winter tires on the car. Luckily I brought a book cause they only had car magazines there. The whole place smelled like rubber from all the tires and me and my big belly weren't the best friends today!!!

Nothing more to say for today - lets hope for a better Tuesday!!

Samstag, November 04, 2006


Seems to be a lazy Saturday with not much going on:
  • Slept in and read in the ew CK December that came in the mail.
  • My SIL came over for a little chat.
  • Did some paper stuff that needed to be done
  • Might do some scrapping now
  • Changed my blog to the new blogger beta version plus changed the LO
  • Off to dinner with my colleagues at 9 at an italian restaurant.

Donnerstag, November 02, 2006

First frost

This morning when I woke up there was the first frost outside. Seems like fall is really there. But with the sun shining it looked really nice.

Off to see the doctor this afternoon again. My due date is coming closer. Next week is the last night of our "birth-preparation" class and last Wednesday Stefan and me already visited the hospital. They show you around and explain everything so I guess you don't feel too intimidated once you are there to give birth.

Off to do some housecleaning now!!!